Why it matters: NASA's Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resources Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft will depart the friendly vicinity of asteroid Bennu later this yr later successfully collecting a sample that'll somewhen be studied here on Globe. The seven-year-long mission will help scientists learn more about the creation of the solar organization and peradventure how life started on Earth.

NASA launched the craft in 2022, sending it in the direction of Bennu, an asteroid that is located more than 200 meg miles from our domicile planet. The planned rendezvous went off without a hitch terminal October equally the instrument was able to successfully collect a sample of regolith particles and stow them away for the return trip.

The space bureau is at present preparing the craft for the next stage of the mission, departure from Bennu'southward vicinity. NASA has tentatively set a departure date of May x, 2022, which puts them in a position to bear the departure maneuver in a way that consumes the to the lowest degree amount of onboard fuel. Withal, it's risky.

Michael Moreau, OSIRIS-Male monarch deputy project director at NASA's Goddard Space Flying Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said that, "with over 593 miles per 60 minutes of velocity change, this volition be the largest propulsive maneuver conducted by OSIRIS-REx since the approach to Bennu in October 2022."

NASA is also planning for the possibility of ane final flyby. Not role of the original mission, the flyby would give the arts and crafts the opportunity to observe the landing site and see how the collection process altered the sample site.

Should everything go according to schedule, OSIRIS-King is expected to accomplish Earth on September 24, 2023.